Fueling Faith Through Fellowship

Fueling Faith Through Fellowship

Nov 22, 2023

In a world where everything is connected, disconnection often seems more apparent than engagement. This is why, long before there was social media, God instituted a system of social gathering called fellowship (Hebrew 10:25).

Transfiguration Baptist Church (TBC), is a church nestled in the Mantua section of Philadelphia. It's here, in the midst of laughter, prayer, and shared stories, where the true meaning of fellowship reveals itself. Our church has been a sanctuary for many, a place where faith is not a subject matter but a shared experience that is fueled through the act of coming together.

Take, for instance, the story of Deaconess Aryes, a senior member of our church who has demonstrated continued strength and dedication after the passing of her husband and several of her children. One of her sons was the pastor of TBC when he was called to glory. It was her faith, coupled with activities at the Seniors Ministry and Bread for Life Outreach, that became her solace, where shared stories of loss and resilience rekindled her faith.

Then there's a young man by the name of Jeffery, who has been making great strides as he charts his course in life. Through participating in activities at the church, he was able to make some connections and will soon be starting a career as a fireman. Having battled with self-doubt and uncertainty at times, Jeff has a newfound peace and confidence. His journey is a testament to how faith, fostered in a nurturing environment, can transform lives.

These stories are just a glimpse of the many lives touched and transformed through the fellowship at TBC. Each gathering, whether it is a prayer meeting, a youth group session, or a community outreach program, serves as a testimony to the strength and resilience of our faith.


We invite you to be a part of this thriving community. Whether you're seeking solace, strength, or a sense of belonging, our doors are always open. Join us at our weekly fellowship events, where together, we can continue to fuel our faith through the power of togetherness.

Scripture Reading

As we reflect on the essence of our gatherings, the words of Acts 2:42-47 resonate profoundly with our mission: "They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer...And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved." These verses beautifully encapsulate the spirit of our church and the transformative power of fellowship in our faith journey.

~ Pastor Frederick Scott, Jr.