Untied to Ties: Are We in a New Era of Church Attire?

Untied to Ties: Are We in a New Era of Church Attire?

Nov 25, 2023

It seems as if gone are the days when suits, ties, and formal dresses were the unspoken dress code for churchgoers. In many African-American churches, a significant shift is taking place, reflecting a broader societal change and the preferences of a new generation. This evolution in church attire does not appear to hinge on fashion but on making the church more accessible and relatable, especially to millennials and those who have not regularly attended church.

Historically, dressing up for church was a significant aspect of African-American culture, with men donning dark suits and women in matching hats and dresses. This tradition was partly about presenting your Sunday best and your best self to God. This was partly a response to societal norms where such opportunities for expression were limited for African Americans.

However, recent trends indicate a move towards more casual attire. One pastor from North Carolina notes that even he, raised in the tradition of suits and ties, now occasionally preaches in a casual shirt, sometimes even with his shirttail out, which is a notable departure from the past​​. Similarly, another pastor from Missouri emphasizes a 'Come as You Are' approach, focusing on inclusivity and comfort over formal attire​​.

The shift is not just about comfort but also reflects a theological understanding. As 1 Samuel 16:7 says, “The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” This scripture underpins the idea that one's external appearance is less significant than one's internal faith and relationship with God.

Moreover, this change is in line with how younger generations view the church. Millennials, often characterized by their desire for authenticity and inclusivity, are more likely to embrace a church environment where the focus is on the message and community, not on what one wears.


Reflecting on this topic, we are reminded of the story of David, a young shepherd chosen by God to be king, not for his outward appearance but for his heart. This story, found in 1 Samuel, encourages us to look beyond external appearances and focus on what truly matters - our faith and our heart's condition before God.


Could this shift in church attire represent a broader move towards a more inclusive, authentic, and non-judgmental church environment? Is it a recognition that faith and discipleship are not about external appearances but about the heart and spirit? As we welcome this change, we embrace a new generation of believers, creating a space where everyone feels welcomed, valued, and part of a community, regardless of how they are dressed.

We warmly invite you to experience the fellowship and inspiration of our worship services in person at Transfiguration Baptist Church, located at 3732 Fairmount Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104. Our services begin at 11:00 AM every Sunday, where you’ll find a community ready to welcome you with open arms and hearts. Come and be a part of our journey in faith!

~ Pastor Frederick Scott, Jr.